Please note the video was shoot without video lighting, (See Video Two)

at Just Sports Bar & Grill

Football fans at Just Sports Bar & Grill located in Bristol, PA played the prototype of the patent pending Tempt Destiny™ football card game during the televised Oakland vs. Philadelphia football game. EVERYONE that played enjoyed it! As you can see in the video, the event was an overwhelming success!

Special thanks goes out to owners Sandy Fischer, Tomee, and staff at Just Sports Bar & Grill for their support in making this event happen.

The video was taped in low light conditions, therefor the quality was sacrificed to capture the audience's actual playing experience. The players of the Tempt Destiny™ game are not associated with Tempt Destiny™, Maveric Inc., or Just Sports Bar & Grill.

The following comments below expressed in the video are those of the participants and were not scripted, arranged, or planed:

Tempt Destiny™ Video One

Clip One:
Here comes a punt, baby. I got the card. Its a punt.

Clip Two:
Insurance commercial, (that's a foot fungus) Yea, I need an insurance commercial.
Yea, you didn't get it now.
(foot fungus)
Hey yo, when I get this card yo, I am going to throw it at you.

Clip Three:
Dot com
Insurance, I got insurance
Telecom dot com commercial, let's go
Wait yo, dot com should also be shipping because it has to ship to you
You can't though
I'll agree with it
Alright then, that's the commercial

Final Clip:
This game ROCKS!
This is the game right here
It keeps.. pays attention to the game and the commercials and keeps you watching
It works, right?
You don't get bored, you never get bored of the game or the commercials, you keep playing.
Dude, if you make money on this, I want some.
But the bad part of it is you can't take a piss!
You should have, you should have a piss card.
I should have a piss card in it?
Yea, that's it!

Note of Interest: If you wish to be featured in one of our video taping sessions, please send us an email: PlayTD

*Visit the About and Q&A pages for details about this unique interactive card game.

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